Star Tarot Card

XVII – The Star Tarot Card

In the previous card, The Tower, we fell from the heights into disgrace and hardship, whether of a spiritual or material nature. Or both. Now, with The Star tarot card, we look to the heavens to try to pull ourselves back up. The Star is a card of healing an looking for the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.

Guided by the North Star, we heed the call to leave the past behind and let all the baggage and the pain go once and for all. This is a time of rest and listening to your intuition to guide you on a new path, which will require faith. You can see the light in the distance, but you may not be sure what it will bring or even how to get there. Dip into the stream of your subconscious to find the answers and find your way. You’ve been going through the dark night of the soul, but the tide has turned, and it’s time to rise. The Star tarot card in the distance will show you the way.

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”

Oscar Wilde

Or as The Call would say, “I’ve been in a cave, for forty days, with only a spark, to light my way…” It’s all about finding that ray of light, that hope in the darkness.


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