Death Tarot Card


XIII – Death Tarot Card

Death tarot card is the most feared card in the tarot deck, but wrongly so. That’s right, this card does not foretell physical death, but deaths of other kinds: spiritual, mental, emotional. This card tells you your garden needs a serious pruning, and if you don’t get to it, The Universe or God or Buddha or whomever is gonna force the change.

And if it has to be forced on you, you aren’t going to like it. At all.

Remember, the tarot cards are a journey as well as individual cards. With the Chariot, we really get into the archetypical “hero’s journey,” and the Hermit takes us down into the dark night of the soul. This is where we fall from grace and come through forever changed after some great catharsis.

In the Hanged Man, we voluntarily give up control to try to make that change, working with the Universe. However, if we balk at that self sacrifice, in the next card, Death, we get a much sterner warning.

This is your two minute warning, so to speak: “Change or change will be forced on you.” And rest assured, the Universe ain’t playin’.

The change will be painful, but clear the way for you to be reborn in some way.  Heed the warning, because the more you resist, the harsher this lesson will be.

Death, the tarot card, reminds us that death can give us a whole new perspective on what is important in life. Anytime we face actual death or contemplate our own death, we see how we often get caught up in unimportant things, and have a better view of the big picture in life.

Suddenly, morning traffic seems less important, or spending hours on social media or watching TV. The Death tarot card reminds us our time is limited and we may leave this earth at any time, and that reminds us to live every day to its fullest.

Use that perspective to make the difficult changes you need to make and let go of all that dead weight you carry. Life is too short.

“Whatever prepares you for death enhances life.”

Stephen Levine



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