Planting the Garden

Planting the Garden

For years, I’ve been dreaming about building The Midnight Rose as a site to sell the kind of jewelry and accessories I love. I love gothic and Victorian jewelry, particularly that darker edge and all the accoutrements that go with that sensibility. I’ve also been a lifelong lover of tarot cards and astrology and have been absolutely obsessed with dark carnival themes and movies with that menacing fortuneteller tent. When I saw that first episode of Penny Dreadful where Miss Ives sat in her Victorian parlor and spread out those tarot cards, I nearly lost my mind.

So when I set out to finally create this store and this line of jewelry and accessories, I wanted to celebrate my Gothic side, but keep things elegant, hence the name The Midnight Rose.  But I realized this had a much deeper and more personal meaning to me a couple weeks ago when I decided to create some pendants for women at the local women’s shelter where my friend sits on the board. I wanted to make them some of the double-sided pendants with a beautiful image on one side and some kind of inspirational saying on the other that they could use during difficult moments to remind them to hang on to hope.

I decided to create a collection of butterflies to reflect transformation, for those who are sort of cocooning and reinventing themselves so they can take flight.

But as I’ve been building the site over the last couple of weeks (yes, I really did this myself in that short of a time) it occurred to me that The Midnight Rose has a much more personal meaning for me personally.  It reflects the belief that no matter how dark things get — and I’ve gone through periods of extreme darkness — there is always a chance to start again. There is always a chance to bloom again, no matter how dark the night.

Inspired by that philosophy, I decided to also do a line of semicolon pendants for those who suffer severe depression and suicidal tendencies. Semicolon tattoos have been a big trend right now because they represent “where the sentence could have ended, but the author chose to go on.”

.I’ve been there far too many times. On the verge of what I call “checkmate” where you feel you have no options and only one out. That’s where you have to go all in and pursue the things you love and create a life worth living.

I guess that’s why I’ve spent this holiday week from the computer, frantically trying to launch the site first for Black Friday, and now for Cyber Monday. Sure, it’s an online shopping site, but I’m determined to make it much more. Determined to make something that gives inspiration to people and give something back to others who have faced dark times.

That’s why I’m donating part of all proceeds from the rainbow-colored semicolon necklaces to the Trevor Project, a non-profit organization focused on suicide prevention efforts among LGBTQ youth. I’m also donating part of the proceeds of other semicolon necklaces to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

even if you don’t suffer from depression yourself, almost everyone has a person in their circle who struggles and may find inspiration in these jewelry collections. And rest assured that there are plenty of other beautiful designs honoring many religious traditions, classical artists, mystical arts and much more. We have a lot of things planned to expand the jewelry line, add more accessories as well as vintage clothing, natural beauty products, bulk herbs, custom candles and so much more.

Once the holidays are over, watch for a Valentine’s Day collection as well as spring garden collection and Victorian wedding jewelry just for starters. And I’ve got a few other ideas up my sleeve but I can’t review those just yet.

So please indulge in inspirational and elegant jewelry and gifts for yourself and for your loved ones and I will come your feedback on products, service, and any issues you have with your orders. The Midnight Rose is very personal to me and I want every piece I send out to be just as personal to you.

Remember, The Midnight Rose blooms even when darkness engulfs her.

Love and light,
