Soul Summit 2020 – A ray of light for the darkness

Soul Summit 2020 – A ray of light for the darkness

What a chaotic, confusing, and uncertain 2020 it’s been. If you’ve found yourself more emotionally fragile than usual… Or feeling stuck in the darkness and despair of the events that have come to pass, completely powerless to regain your footing despite giving it your best shot… 

We’ve got something to give you the forward motion you need to salvage the year and make it a period of unprecedented self-expansion. 

Soul Summit 2020 (your personal invitation) 

Our friends at have been working tirelessly to bring together some of the leading minds and light leaders in the fields of Spirituality and Consciousness. And boy did they outdo themselves! 

On Saturday May 9th, From 10am PST – 6pm PST, 5 experts will be hosting the first ever Live Soul Summit. They’ll be diving into the realms of Numerology, Astrology, Color Therapy, Angels and more…

All for the purpose of bringing a deeper understanding to what we’re experiencing as a collective and what YOU can do to find more ease, joy, and prosperity in this season. It’s going to be nothing short of magical and we hope you’ll join us, {first name}. 

Register here.

If you could use a powerful ray of light in these times, thank heavens because this is going to be the most illuminating, comforting, and transformative experience you’ve had for a while! 

See you there!


I know a lot of people are going through a rough time with the holidays and the current state of the world, me included. I seem to be having a particularly hard time today, and need this more than ever — an inspirational video that got me through building this site and which I am sure I’ll be relying heavily on throughout this “holiday” season. I hope it inspires you and keeps you going as much as it does me.